Friday, January 30, 2009

Hello world!

Welcome to my first blog... not really much to say here.....
The image here is a picture I took with my digital camera while I was at the Welcome Concert last semester. The band is What Made Milwaukee Famous.

I'm going to be using this as a practice blog and perhaps use it later for the future when I create a music/politics publication for my state. Maybe. I have an idea to start a Maryland magazine similar to that of Rolling Stone. I am music obsessive- I listen to anything I can get my hands on and I have a great appreciation for several music genres, too. I also care about the world's issues. The issues that strike me most are political decisions (such as passing laws/ordinances or building new things that may cause some conflict in the community), Africa, sometimes foreign issues, hunger, and college related news, of course. I went on a LeaderShape program just last week and I've come up with two great visions to help the community- one for transfer and commuter students to get used to Towson University and one to help the poor, homeless, disenfranchised, less fortunate, and anyone who feels "stuck in a rut" to get back on their feet again.

I'm currently writing this post from Paws as the band Way Too Serious is setting up on stage. Funny how I can listen to music and write at the same time. I think I like this band already. A moment ago, the guitarist played an interlude from a song by The Academy Is...- "Down and Out". My favorite genre of music is punk rock, mainly. Though I listen to jazz, other styles of rock music (except death and heavy metal and most oldies music), classical, some pop and hip hop, indie, 80's, and alternative as well.

This blog probably isn't going so well right now. I'm thinking I should just close this thing up and go join the rest of my friends from LeaderShape for TU After Hours. But at least I'm enjoying myself listening to this band and writing from Paws. I love writing.

I promise I'll write again sometime soon, this time with a little more seriousness. Later!