Monday, February 2, 2009

Chapter 14

Basis for a blog article coming soon. (I'm going to make an article about this to help other students who may want to pursue this writing track.) This is a 200 word entry for my Journalism class:

Objectivity: major journalistic value, stick to the observed facts without putting in opinions

Write what's happening.
Use as little adverbs and adjectives as possible. (Also, try not to use the word I.)
When listening to a politician/official or business person for a story, don't take sides. (See Fairness.)

Thoroughness: heavy, in depth researching for a story

Get as much factual information as possible from various sources.
Get the best sources and understand them.
Understand, explain, and make judgements about what the facts mean.

Accuracy: all information must be accurate and factual

Double check EVERYTHING to see if everything is correct and nothing is misinterpreted.
Don't alter the photos.
If you're unsure something is true, don't use it.

Fairness: all sides to a story are covered

When researching, do a thorough dig on all viewpoints to a story.
Talk to opposing teams on an issue. Listen and understand people who disagree on a matter.
Listen, listen, listen!

Transparency: gain and maintain public trust by being honest

Make links to sources online and refer to them in the story.
Be honest, direct, and truthful.
Ask what kinds of news stories people would like to hear/learn.

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