Thursday, October 1, 2009

On second thought.....

I've been ignoring my idea for a new publication. I was going to start Baltimore Vinyl here in Towson right about now.

But think again.

I'm swamped with some things already. I need to write a feature story for journalism class, I just got hired as an assignment editor for "16 News" on the campus television station WMJF, I'm a notetaker for my political science class (with Professor Cates, who's awesome), and I'm seeing an additional counselor who's on campus and is referring me to a psychiatrist later in the month. I'm also still involved with the Ballroom Dance Club, I want to see what Martial Arts club is like (since I want to learn how to defend myself from muggers on the streets of Towson), and I've just been inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

I need to worry about my GPA to make sure I stay in the top 20 percent of my class to remain in NSCS. I still haven't been able to do community service in a long while, so I would love to do something for a good cause. But most importantly of all, I need to keep my mental health in check because I'm a bit of a chronic worrier and I have anxiety issues that I'm still working out.

Therefore, Baltimore Vinyl has been postponed until I find a decent editor in chief. I would love to start it up right now since I'm a junior and maybe the timing is right, but I need more experience and I don't have enough time on my hands to work with it. It may be good to have someone else to be in charge of it and have me as a contributing writer, music critic, or columnist.

Then again, it might be better if I start the publication after I graduate and I have more time. After all, this is my baby. I don't know what lies ahead. There are still so many things that I want to do in the field I'm venturing into right now. It depends on time, everything else in college and my future.

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